Redstone Lessons With Robo – Part 1

Today I have a lot of time on my hands so I decided to write a blog post. Today’s topic: Minecraft. I recently started a new world for redstone. In case you are wondering what the heck is redstone it’s a item in Minecraft  that you use to make machines in Minecraft. I’ve been on this world very frequently making machines. Before I start telling you about the machines I took some screenshots of some of some things related to redstone that you might not know.

pressure plate
pressure plate: When stepped on it sends out a surge of power
redstone torch: If placed next to redstone it powers that redstone forever until powered by another source of power
redstone repeater: At some point a redstone circuit will run out of power at some point but if you place a repeater at the end of a redstone circuit it will strengthen the signal and allow it to travel farther
redstone comparator: Comparators can detect if a item is a chest workbench furnace etc. so if there is a item in a chest and there is a comparator next to it the comparator sends out a redstone signal.
redstone: If redstone is powered it can turn on machines like pistons or turn off machines like redstone torches
sticky piston: When powered it extends to two blocks and can retract a block next to it or push a block next to it
note block: If hit it makes a sound. it can make different sounds if placed on different blocks.
hopper: It can take a item out of a chest or put one in
dropper: Can throw a item if there is one in the dropper and it is being powered by any source of power

So these are the basic things that the following machines are made of.

The first thing that I made is called the death games randomizer2013-08-22_11.45.19

These are the materials you will need:

  • redstone
  • redstone torch
  • droppers
  • hopper
  • pressure plate
  • chest

So if anyone plays on a white listed server (the creator of the server has to invite you to the server) on minecraft you can build this and have a death games game on the server. So here’s how it works. There is a chest next to the machine and it is full of swords with people’s names on them. If anyone wants to play they put their sword in the chest that is on top. And then they step on the pressure plate that’s connected to the redstone that is coming out from the left redstone torch. Then when you step on the pressure plate it turns on the redstone which turns off the the redstone torch. When a hopper is being powered it doesn’t work so it is being powered until you step on the pressure plate and it takes the item from the sword from the chest and puts it into the dropper next to it. If someone else puts their sword in there it would do the same thing and so the dropper would choose one sword randomly and put it into the other hopper and it would be put up to the other hopper that is connected to a hopper which leads to the chest. When someone else puts their sword in and steps on the pressure plate it will put someone’s sword in the chest. What they will be able to do is if someone happens to walk by they could check the chest and see if someone’s sword was in the chest.

The game part is that there is going to be another chest with armor, a bow and a sword. They can sneak up on the person whose sword is in the chest and try to kill them. But if the person who attacks fails, they owe the person they tried to kill one diamond and vice versa.

This is only part one. There will probably be three redstone lesson posts.

If you have any suggestions to make my machines better please comment. Or you can tell me what machines you have made in Minecraft. I think I have an idea to may death games randomizer a lot better. See if you can guess what it is.



Minecraft Update

Robo here I am sorry if i haven’t blogged in a while. I have a lot of things going on in my life right now. Today I am going to talk about what’s been going on in Minecraft :D. I have been building a Roman type house that I have been thinking a lot about. It’s a 20-by-6 building  so it’s a pretty large building in terms of Minecraft. Here are some pictures of the building.

roman house

the roof pattern

columns inside

Zamzee Rules – TV Drools

I am at a after school program and one of the counselors is giving out this pedometer called a Zamzee. It is this blue almost like chip and you clip it onto your pants and it measures how much you are active every day. You go onto and login to see how many points you have and how active you are. With the points you use the points to win prizes in real life so the more active you are the better. I am going to get one tomorrow and I had to think up a name for my login. I also have to create a character on the Zamzee website and you can print your picture out to hang on your wall. I think I am going to have a lot of points because I like to have as much physical activity as I can like gym at my school. Instead of watching TV when I get home from school I am going to start running around my house so I can get extra points and badges.

photo credit: zcopley via photopin cc

Minecraft for Dummies

Minecraft Cow

Photo of Minecraft cow from:

Minecraft is a computer game about breaking and placing blocks. Some people like to survive in whatever they get plopped in and try to survive from all the zombies, skeletons, spiders and creepers. Creepers are green things that walk on four legs and have square mouths. Or some people like to play in creative mode which means you have every single block and item in Minecraft. In creative mode it is all about building. You can watch the sunset over a blocky ocean (everything in Minecraft is made out of blocks).

I play Minecraft and all my worlds are in creative mode because I like building things more than trying to survive. Once I built a house made out of glass and another time I was trying to find an open space to start building a house and I found a village. Villages have villagers, sheeps, cows and stuff. They have little houses which practically every time are the same only they live in different environments. Once I blew up a town in the desert which is kind of weird because who lives in the desert? And I blew up the side of a guy’s house. And in the process I made a waterfall because I blew up part of the farm which had water in it. Don’t ask me where they got the water because I don’t know where.

So, for dummies people who don’t know anything about Minecraft out there you can read my blog and find out what Minecraft is. And then you can play Minecraft!!!!!!!

Paul Soares Jr. is a person who plays Minecraft and records videos and I watch his videos. Now you can watch his videos too!! These videos give examples of what you can do in Minecraft like how to farm something, craft anything or cook something.