CAUTION – Doughnut Poll is closing

I’m closing the poll for doughnuts on February 21 and I’m going to tell you the results so far.

Chocolate Long John was 4 votes with a percentage of 30.77% (winner so far).

Other = 3 votes
All of the above = 2 votes
Any doughnut with sprinkles = 1
Strawberry frosted = 1
Boston Creme = 1
Munchkins = 1


That’s right, chocolate long john is winning. If you still want to vote there is one day left!

Gods, Gods, Gods Galore

Help me decide which Greek God I should do a school project on. I’m not sure if I’m going to do this school project but I’m pretty sure I am so I want to be prepared. Reply to this blog post to tell me why you voted for a certain God. If you don’t have a good reason I’m not going to count it!