Minecraft for Dummies

Minecraft Cow

Photo of Minecraft cow from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ninsvims/

Minecraft is a computer game about breaking and placing blocks. Some people like to survive in whatever they get plopped in and try to survive from all the zombies, skeletons, spiders and creepers. Creepers are green things that walk on four legs and have square mouths. Or some people like to play in creative mode which means you have every single block and item in Minecraft. In creative mode it is all about building. You can watch the sunset over a blocky ocean (everything in Minecraft is made out of blocks).

I play Minecraft and all my worlds are in creative mode because I like building things more than trying to survive. Once I built a house made out of glass and another time I was trying to find an open space to start building a house and I found a village. Villages have villagers, sheeps, cows and stuff. They have little houses which practically every time are the same only they live in different environments. Once I blew up a town in the desert which is kind of weird because who lives in the desert? And I blew up the side of a guy’s house. And in the process I made a waterfall because I blew up part of the farm which had water in it. Don’t ask me where they got the water because I don’t know where.

So, for dummies people who don’t know anything about Minecraft out there you can read my blog and find out what Minecraft is. And then you can play Minecraft!!!!!!!

Paul Soares Jr. is a person who plays Minecraft and records videos and I watch his videos. Now you can watch his videos too!! These videos give examples of what you can do in Minecraft like how to farm something, craft anything or cook something.

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