Why do we Hate Mondays?

That’s the question of today. Why? I understand that people think Mondays are horrible because it’s the end of the weekend and we don’t want to go back to school or work (unless you love your job and or school). But, if you don’t like school or your job, then how are Mondays any different from any other weekday? I think people hate Mondays because it’s a stereotype. People think because everyone hates Monday, then they should too? What kind of logic is that?! I think someone along the lineMondays.blog.jpg said, ” You know what, I’m going to hate Mondays just because!” Then the guy next to him was like, ” Oh yeah, that’s a great idea!” After that it just spread. That’s right, you heard it from me first, Mondays are a stereotype. And now… The Not So Philosophical Question! Do you hate Mondays? If so, explain your reasoning. That’s All!

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