Minecraft Town Under Construction

I’m working on a town in Minecraft and I’ve established and hired and done all the dirty work just so you can see this. It is still in construction.

Food Court

Food Court - Minecraft Town by RoboThe first picture is my food court. It has cakes, a farm, three furnaces and one chest. Even though you can’t see them they are inside that glass. If you look closely you can see the top of the cakes. I am suspecting they are red velvet.

War Shop

IMG_20130313_200918This is my favorite shop so far. It has a defense perimeter which you can see in the bottom left corner and under that is pressure plates and if you step on them the blocks in front of it pushes up so you can not jump over it. It also has iron doors because you can’t open those. You have to use a pressure plate or a button.

Wizard Tower

Wizard TowerThis is where the mage/wizard goes to work. On the other side of the wall, there is a balcony which is where the wizard works. On that balcony is a brewing stand and cauldron filled with water. And the blue light that is coming out of the top of it I’m going to explain next.


Wizard Tower Beacon

BeaconThe blue light is a beacon that I built using iron and gold blocks. In survival mode it is very hard to make a beacon. You need to have a nether star. In order to get nether star you need to fight the wither boss. If you don’t know what a nether star is go here to the Minecraft Wiki.


Minecraft StageThe stage is where thousands of spectators come around to see amazing musicians, including me. The four boxes on the ground and the item frame with wood inside are called note blocks. When you right click on them they make a musical note. The two pieces of rock with item frames with nothing in them are the stereos.

Blacksmith Shop

Blacksmith shopThis is still under construction. I am going to finish over the weekend but when it is done it is going to have about ten furnaces, an anvil and a fireplace. And I might add something else. I am also going to build a bank.

Questions for my readers

Let me know what else you want me to build in my town. A museum? A doctor’s office? A grocery store? A playground? Other stuff?

The Bathtub Tsunami – written by me of course

I had a homework assignment to write a story using ten of my spelling words and six possessive pronouns. And I did it! My spelling words are bold in the story.

The Bathtub Tsunami

Once my mom left the bathtub running there was no turning back. At the time she was thinking about her overgrown plants outside. But then she realized that it was almost midnight and so she went to bed even though she still had work to do.


But when she woke up it was already 7:25 and she had to be at work at 7:30. She rushed out the door and got a speeding ticket for going to work at 40 miles per hour. When she came home she noticed that her plants were watered. “It’s almost like they watered themselves” she said. The moment she opened the door a giant wave of water fell on top of her.


Nearby, a baseball game that was in overtime had the final catch of the game until the wave of water had taken the ball away and took it all the way to the crowd. It was a grand slam!

Pretty soon the wave got to the Midwest and flooded a school in Illinois. The students were taking their pretests on prefixes. But because of the wave they got pushed outdoors and all of their tests got drenched and they all got Fs.


Last, the wave came to a library and soaked all of the books. The way my mom paid the people is by giving them all prepaid gift cards and returned her overdue library books to the librarian.

The End

Can you guess what my spelling strategy was for this week? Take a look at the bold words and tell me what they have in common in the blog comments.

tsunami photo credit: omnos via photopin cc

plants photo credit: JD-UY via photopin cc

baseball in water photo credit: Jibby7 via photopin cc

wet paper photo credit: theilr via photopin cc


Today was the most complicated day of my life at school. I learned how to figure out this problem. 🙂


I know it makes your eyes bleed but I am going to tell you how to do it.Sadly, I have to tell you how to do it to make this blog post interesting  😦

  1. Look at this example (the answer is 67°)


Boom! I just gave it straight to you:) 🙂