Big Fish in a Small Pond 

There has been a movement around many countries called the tiny house movement. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but, people are deciding to have these tiny houses built, and then live in them. We’re talking 400 sq ft small. The question is, would you be able to live in a tiny house? Iv’e looked at some of these houses online, and seen the interiors of said buildings. I only saw one picture of s house that had two floors, so you’d be living in a one floor home. Now, I bet your like, “Yea I could do that, I’ve lived in an apartment before.” Think about this. If you currently have a wife/husband, and kids, Would you be able to live in a house like this. If you are single, or living alone, then I say go for it. It saves a TON of money on bills for electricity, water heating, and all that stuff. The whole point of the small house movement is to live a minimalist life. This sounds like a sweet deal to me, I mean, you don’t pay as much for housing, you have this amazing unique home, this sounds great to me, but would you be able to do this? That is today’s not so philosophical question! 

P.S I have decided to post around 1 to two times a week. Look forward to the new posts every week!