Zamzee Rules – TV Drools

I am at a after school program and one of the counselors is giving out this pedometer called a Zamzee. It is this blue almost like chip and you clip it onto your pants and it measures how much you are active every day. You go onto and login to see how many points you have and how active you are. With the points you use the points to win prizes in real life so the more active you are the better. I am going to get one tomorrow and I had to think up a name for my login. I also have to create a character on the Zamzee website and you can print your picture out to hang on your wall. I think I am going to have a lot of points because I like to have as much physical activity as I can like gym at my school. Instead of watching TV when I get home from school I am going to start running around my house so I can get extra points and badges.

photo credit: zcopley via photopin cc