
Two days ago I got back from camping and I had a blast! 4 other families were there and all of them contained  at least 1 of my friends.The first thing I did there was play catch with one of my friends since he loves sports so much and since we were the only two families there.Then once all the families were there it was around 3:00. For dinner we had hotdogs [a tradition] and smores [another tradition] and went to bed at around 9:00.

During the night the cicadas were so loud that I could not sleep. Finally I went to sleep.The next day I was the 16th person up. At noon we decided we would go on a walk on a hike. We went on Sleepy Hollow trail first then around 5:00 a second hike took off . I wasn’t in the group .The last day was boring so i’m not going tell you about it.

photo credit: Al_HikesAZ via photopin cc

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